Pay Per Click (PPC)

Pay Per Click (PPC)

With DIGIGO Next, you can improve your brand search engine ranking and obtain instant results.

Understanding your target demographics and analysing their online activities are vital to determine whether PPC, organic search, or a combination of these digital marketing strategies is the best approach for your business.

PPC with us will be a wiser choice for your brand.

Pay-per-click advertising has established itself as one of the greatest and most economical methods of online marketing over the years. Businesses can control their ad spending with PPC advertising and put their brand offers in front of the appropriate customers at the correct time and place.
Your conversion rate will increase as a result of the laser-targeted visibility that pay-per-click marketing gives you.

Leverage PPC Marketing and Take Advantage of Consumer Search Opportunities with DIGIGO Next.

DIGIGO Next is a trusted leader in pay-per-click internet marketing. Our pay-per-click advertising company partners with various industry players and marketing professionals to increase their leads, grow brand awareness, and reach their goals.
Pay-per-click marketing is a paid search model used to build brand awareness, promote brand offerings and gain immediate traction from specific audience segments. With PPC, advertisers only pay each time a user clicks on the PPC ads -- hence the name pay-per-click.
Our pay-per-click advertising agency works closely with your team to determine the appropriate PPC ads that you can use to fill your sales funnel.
There are various types of pay-per-click ads available, depending on your goals like Search Ads, Display Ads, Social Ads, Remarketing Ads, Google Shopping Ads, In-stream Ads, Gmail Sponsored Promotions (GSP), Local Services Ads, Amazon PPC Ads, etc.


Our Pay Per Click Services


Search Ads

Search advertising is the most common form of paid search marketing. Search ads appear to prospects who are already looking for your industry or brand offerings online.


Social Ads

Social media paid to advertise is the fastest-growing segment of pay-per-click advertising services. Social ads appear on social media platforms, such as Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter.


Display Ads

Display advertising is known for its effectiveness in reaching more than 90 percent of online users. Display ads appear on Google’s partner websites, targeting people who visited industry-related sites.


Remarketing Ads

Remarketing is one of the best ways to reach high-converting customers and double your turnovers. Remarketing ads remind people who have already visited your website to come back and compel them to convert.


Google Shopping Ads

Google Shopping ads are suitable for websites with a large volume of products. These PPC ads appear in a carousel above or beside the main Google search results, allowing prospects to view the products and prices on Google SERP before they even click on anyone’s website.


Amazon PPC Ads

Amazon advertising is one of the increasingly popular PPC services in the online landscape. Amazon PPC ads allow Amazon sellers to generate brand awareness, boost sales and drive more store visits by placing sponsored ads on the platform's key locations.



Pay Per Click Questions

Frequently Ask Questions

  • What is Pay-Per-Click (PPC) advertising?

    PPC advertising is a model of digital advertising in which advertisers pay each time a user clicks on one of their ads. This is typically done through platforms such as Google Ads and Bing Ads, where advertisers bid on keywords and ad placements to reach their target audience.

  • Why is PPC advertising important?

    PPC advertising can be an effective way to reach a highly targeted audience and drive website traffic and conversions. It can be a cost-effective way to advertise, as advertisers only pay when someone clicks on their ad, and it can provide valuable data and insights into user behaviour and preferences.

  • What are some key components of a successful PPC campaign?

    Some key components of a successful PPC campaign include selecting relevant keywords and ad placements, writing compelling ad copy, setting a budget and bid strategy, targeting the right audience, monitoring and adjusting campaigns regularly, and measuring and optimising performance.

  • What is a Quality Score in PPC advertising?

    Quality Score is a metric used by Google Ads to measure the relevance and quality of ads and keywords in a PPC campaign. It is based on factors such as ad relevance, landing page experience, and click-through rate (CTR), and can impact the cost and placement of ads in search engine results.

  • What is a landing page and why is it important for PPC advertising?

    A landing page is a web page that users are directed to after clicking on a PPC ad. A well-designed landing page can help increase conversions by providing users with relevant and persuasive information about the product or service being advertised. It can also help improve the Quality Score of a PPC campaign, which can impact ad placement and cost.

  • What is remarketing in PPC advertising?

    Remarketing is a technique in which advertisers target users who have previously interacted with their website or ads. This can be done by showing ads to users who have visited a specific webpage, added items to a shopping cart, or completed another desired action. Remarketing can help increase brand awareness and drive conversions by reaching users who have already shown an interest in a product or service.

  • How can I measure the success of my PPC campaigns?

    The success of a PPC campaign can be measured using a variety of metrics, including click-through rate (CTR), conversion rate, cost per click (CPC), return on ad spend (ROAS), and more. By regularly monitoring and analysing these metrics, advertisers can make informed decisions about how to optimise and improve their PPC campaigns.

Are you looking for an Pay Per Click that will deliver profitable traffic?

Contact Us Today & Unlock your Website’s True Potential!