6 Major Benefits of Google Analytics


6 Major Benefits of Google Analytics

Google Analytics is a free tool that is completely online without any purchase or subscriptions. The entire range of analytics and tracking stats is free. All you require is a Gmail account. Below are the top Google Analytics benefits:

1.Determine the source of traffic:

  • Google Analytics can show us the way that users are directed to our site by way of example the amount of users who visit our website via the referral link on other websites or through organic search results, paid advertisements or through search engines.
  • This allows us to examine the many efficient methods for generating traffic in a proportional way, for example, the effectiveness of our ads effectively by increasing the amount of traffic.

2.Information on visitors:

  • Google Analytics provides detailed information on visitors who visit our site.
  • We can track the towns and countries from which visitors visit our website to help us determine the possibility that localized marketing strategies or specific keywords could provide desired outcomes. i.e. We can increase the amount of visits or pages by changing campaigns for the region of interest to attract new users as well as keep existing visitors.
  • It will also allow us in adjusting our advertising or content, and make the campaigns more effective to drive a large amount of traffic.

3.Popularity of specific pages:

  • Google Analytics can provide data on which pages are most visited or most popular which allows us to know the pages on our site that are thought to be relevant by users, and then we can consequently improve the quality of our content.
  • Based on the data that analytics provide to improve our websites to earn more revenues and tailor our next content to be the most sought-after information for our customers.

4.Rates of bounces on websites:

  • This bounce-rate is a measure when users only view one page on our site before leaving our site.
  • When our bounce rates are very high We are probably not offering relevant information to our visitors or maybe the users were unaware of our site and stumbled upon it.
  • It is also important to determine whether the terms might be misleading, or if the authenticity of our sources of traffic is easily understood.
  • The bounce rate is determined by the quality and relevance of the content we provide on our site and shows the satisfaction of visitors on our site.
  • It can also help us determine which pages are a good way to encourage users to stick around on our site for longer, and to visit additional pages. This also assists us in improving the pages on the landing page with an extremely high bounce rate.

5.Traffic flow:

  • Google Analytics can display the flow of traffic that makes an entry to our site. We can see the number of the people who visit our site. We are able to understand visitors coming from desktops, tablets, mobiles, or desktops and, consequently, the flow of traffic can be effectively managed.
  • There's a wealth of useful information that can draw from this. We can track the visitors' response towards our website's landing pages, and study bounce rates of each page, which allows us to improve the pages in order to improve visitor retention and create more leads.
  • We also know which pages are most popular for visitors when visiting our website. This will allow us to adjust our website to provide better navigation, and also to modify pages that aren't frequently visited.

6.Examine the historical data:

  • Google Analytics can display how the number of visitors to its website has changed over long periods. This can be extremely helpful to determine if there are any trends that are consistent across time periods.
  • For instance, we can discern which of our advertising campaigns have had the most success in helping us shape our future advertising or to analyze the websites, services, or products that generate the most people's attention during certain periods of the year or month.